The Nauvoo is currently closed to the public and not booking any events due to the planned renovation of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. Currently, a projected reopening date has not yet been determined. As more information becomes available, a public announcement will be made. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


3 Tips for Making the Most of Lunch
Entrance of The Nauvoo in Salt Lake City

Lunch: a meal that is often held in less esteem than breakfast or dinner. Still, it’s a meal that has an important role to play. It offers an opportunity to refuel so you can keep going through the day. Lunch doesn’t have to be a chore. So what should you do to make the most of lunch?

Plan Your Meal

The first step in making the most of lunch is to plan out what you’re going to eat. Many people have a limited window in which to eat lunch. Having a plan for what to eat can help you avoid wasting time. It’s also helpful if you have any dietary goals or restrictions. Planning what you intend to eat ahead of time will help you follow those, especially if you intend to eat out.

Pick Your Place

Picking your place to eat lunch is another important choice to make. Choose a location that will make it easier to enjoy your meal. If you eat your lunch at work, try to avoid eating at your desk. At least make your way to a breakroom. Remember, lunch is supposed to be a break from work, not something you do while you work. Better yet, visit a restaurant like The Nauvoo. Eating in a place devoted to food can help keep your mind off of other things and more focused on mindful eating.

Take Your Time

Eating food isn’t something that is meant to be rushed. It’s meant to be enjoyed, savored. It’s far easier to enjoy your lunch, and any other meal for that matter, if you take your time with it. If that isn’t reason enough, rushing your way through food can be dangerous to your health. You could suffer from indigestion, or worse, choke on your food. Taking time to mindfully eat your lunch is both a safer and better way to enjoy it. Remember, you may have a limited window to work with, but that’s no reason to stop you from using every minute to the fullest.

It can be easy for lunch to feel like a chore. After all, for many people it’s something that happens in the middle of the workday. If that’s how lunch is for you, change your perspective on it. Be mindful about how you approach lunch so you can make the most of it. It just might turn into your favorite meal of the day.

The Nauvoo is a wonderful place to take your lunch. Not sure how to get there? Click here for directions.